TITAN-6000 heavy with telescopic roof for private garage

Flagship model of Panda lift the TITAN is a workhorse that will tirelessly operate with rigid precision, dependability, and soothing comfort. This particular lift is a heavy duty machinery designed to move up to 6000 kg between levels. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rbTS9usvgQ It was built to transport heavy bulletproof Mercedes Maybach convoy vehicles in an underground garage in […]
ATLANT ROTARY turntable car lift in an underground bank parking

One of the most frequent problems in designing an underground parking is saving space next to the building. In this case, the dense urban development required an alternative solution to an inclined exit. Since the parking lot was designed with an entrance that is perpendicular to the exit, we offered to use an ATLANT ROTARY […]
ATLANT-3000 car lift in a new Mercedes Benz showroom

We’ve created this lift to serve in one of the most demanding settings – Mercedes car showroom.
TITAN-3000 in a business center underground parking car lift

The task was to create an underground parking lot in the basement of the business center, which is located in a densely built-up area. Therefore, installing an inclined ramp was not an option. This lift is perfect for this job . https://youtu.be/JNih18iHKOQ TITAN-3000 car lift is specially designed to be used in public parkings, as […]
TITAN-3000 car lift for a Lamborghini showroom

Few people ever wonder about how cars get into the showroom, located on the second floor of the dealership. The first thought that comes to mind is a sloped ramp or similar, but most often it’s not the way things are! https://youtu.be/3CBuAt2Q5gg The most efficient way to move cars between floors is a car lift. […]